Monday, March 24, 2014

Should I Get A Mechanical Keyboard?

Long story short, if you spend a lot of time typing on a keyboard at work, home or both they really are just that much better. It is rather hard to describe but the feel is just amazing. I would highly recommend doing some research into it. Even if you decide it is not for you they are worth trying at least once.

I personally settled on the Logitech G710+. After doing some research it suited my needs best. Back light and quieter keys really where the deal breakers for me. Though you can buy dampening rings and manually install them I didn't like the idea of tearing off all the keys on my brand new keyboard.

Some cheaper ones that do not have features like back lighting can be purchased for less than $100 and some really cool but hard to find ones like the Ducky Shine 3 have a boat load of bells and whistles.

If you really want to show how "pro" you are you can check out the Das keyboard. No labels on any of the keys.

There is a nice and thorough explanation on of the various switches here

Life hacker has a nice list here